Crumbly cookies

Here is the recipe for my childhood cookies. The recipe was given to my mum over 25 years ago and now I hope you enjoy it enough to keep passing it on. I would just like to note that factors such as oven temperature and timing were not included in the recipe page. All that was provided was the list of ingredients you see below. The process I recalled from making these as a child and thankfully it all worked out. THATS HOW EASY THIS IS. Great baking to do with children as its so simple and the dough is safe to eat unbaked too.

I think these are more biscuits than cookies but I’ve always called them cookies so what the hell

Things you will need

Large mixing bowl

Electric mixer w/ dough hooks


Baking tray/s

An apron (you’re bound to get messy)

Ingredients(for both flavours)

8oz. Butter or margarine

4oz. Caster sugar

8oz. Plain flour

1 quarter tsp. Salt

2oz. Chocolate chips/drops

For vanilla choc chip cookies only

2oz. Cornflour

1 tsp. Vanilla essence

For chocolate cookies only

2oz. Cocoa


  1. Simply measure out each ingredient listed above and place it in the mixing bowl all together. Don’t forget to decide which flavour to make and put the corresponding ingredients in the bowl too.  
  2. Once you have all the ingredients in the bowl, plug your electric mixer in and get mixing! Be patient and mix until it changes from the photo above to something like the one below. Make sure you mix around the bowl so you don’t leave any ingredients behind. If you have a second person, get them to coat the baking trays in a very thin layer of butter. This prevents cookies sticking to the tray.
  3. Preheat the oven to 150°C/300°F/gas mark 2-3. Here is my favourite bit. Go ahead and pinch off a bit of that tasty cookie dough to “test that the ingredients are all mixed enough” *wink*.
  4. Now that all the ingredients are throughly mixed together and you’ve got your baking trays coated, grab some of the dough and roll it into a ball. It should be roughly the size of a ping pong ball.
  5. Place it on the tray, hold three fingers together and press firmly down. I try to keep the pressed cookie around 1cm tall. Leave an even amount of space between each one as they will expand when they bake. I fit 9 on one tray by following the size guidelines I’ve mentioned as these baked well and will turn out decent sized cookies. You are welcome to make them any size you want as long as you leave some space for them to expand. Once you’ve rolled and squashed all your cookie balls you should have something that looks like this (the chocolate ones are the better visual guide if I’m honest.
  6. Set a timer for 8-10 minutes depending on your oven (I was more comfortable checking them at 8 minutes then giving them a minute or so extra if needed). Put the tray in the oven and wait! Enjoy any cookie dough you have left over, tidy up a bit and they’ll be done in no time.
  7. Take the cookie out when the timer goes unless they look shiny and moist, in which case give them a little more time. Try not to bake them too long as they will lose the crumbly texture. Allow them to cool for about 10 minutes and there you have it!
  8. Enjoy! Grab with a glass of milk and congratulate yourself on making some tasty cookies.
  9. Try not to drop them on the floor like I did  

Thank you for trying this recipe I grew up on and have been dying to make for a long time. I  hope you enjoy them. If you have any tips, comments or suggestions on this recipe or anything you’d like to see next, comment below or email me at

To read the story behind why I decided to make and share this recipe click here and if you want to find out why I am blogging you can find out here.